All relationships have challenges and go through difficult times. Freedom couple counselling is a specialist practice focused on the specific needs of couples experiencing relationship stress.

Freedom couple counselling is here to help you begin the healing process. We work with individuals and couples to help them communicate more effectively, develop and deepen intimacy, and achieve fulfilment in their relationships. 
Our goal is to support you in building a better relationship with yourself and your partner in an open, honest, and mutual environment.

Creating a safe space for you and your partner

What we do

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Couples Counselling

Couples Counselling

A key factor in the enjoyment of our lives is the quality of our close relationships. At some stage in every couple’s journey they may start to experience relationship challenges.

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Christian Couple Counselling

Christian Couple Counselling

Every relationship has a divine story with a divine Godly purpose. This service is to support couples who look to God when facing relational issues.

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Work through an affair

Work through an affair

Surviving an affair includes much rebuilding of trust and patience on both sides. Each relationship is unique and needs it's own approach.

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Young families

Young families

Certain life stages in a couple’s journey can be very challenging transitions. We create a safe space to help you to explore your issues and restore or repair your relationship.

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Interracial couples

Interracial couples

Intercultural relationships (and interracial couples) can face unique challenges as they struggle to navigate the cultural differences, which are often embedded deep within our identity, and difficult to articulate.

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Pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss

The loss of a baby can be a devastating experience. The good news is that healing is possible and there are ways for you and your partner to grieve in a space of togetherness.

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What to expect from therapy.

Individuals, and couples alike, often feel a sense of uncertainty when it comes to opening up to a counsellor, and that's okay.

The most important thing for you as a couple and I as your therapist is for us to establish a good rapport.

As people, when we get to the core of our issues as individuals, we begin to understand ourselves and our partner better. That inevitably results in enhanced intimacy, getting to the heart of our conflicts and find new paths toward connection, and ultimately, freedom.

Get in touch.

Call for an appointment or book online. It only takes 3 minutes.

+61 411 035 052

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We are an inclusive practice.

Freedom couple counselling is an inclusive practice where all cultures, religions, sexualities are welcome.

I acknowledge that I live, work and play on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the of the Eastern Kulin Nation and that they are the traditional owners of this land. This land was never ceded. I pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present, and emerging and acknowledge that it always was and always will be Aboriginal land.