Let's get to the core and unravel what we do.

Our focus

Challenging times can be confusing and tough to work through on your own, even with all the support of family and friends around you.

I’ve been helping couples get to the core of their issues, improve communication, increase levels of connection and develop more depth and passion in their relationships.

I know that people can subconsciously choose partners who trigger and challenge us in profound ways in order to heal old wounds. By exploring old wounds and deep-seated emotions which play out in romantic relationships, I can help you to begin to understand yourself and your partner which will enhance intimacy, get to the heart of the conflicts and find new paths toward closeness and connection.  

Couples Counselling

Couples Counselling

A key factor in the enjoyment of our lives is the quality of our close relationships. At some stage in every couple’s journey they may start to experience relationship challenges.

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Christian Couple Counselling

Christian Couple Counselling

Every relationship has a divine story with a divine Godly purpose. This service is to support couples who look to God when facing relational issues.

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Work through an affair

Work through an affair

Surviving an affair includes much rebuilding of trust and patience on both sides. Each relationship is unique and needs it's own approach.

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Young families

Young families

Certain life stages in a couple’s journey can be very challenging transitions. We create a safe space to help you to explore your issues and restore or repair your relationship.

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Interracial couples

Interracial couples

Intercultural relationships (and interracial couples) can face unique challenges as they struggle to navigate the cultural differences, which are often embedded deep within our identity, and difficult to articulate.

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Pregnancy loss

Pregnancy loss

The loss of a baby can be a devastating experience. The good news is that healing is possible and there are ways for you and your partner to grieve in a space of togetherness.

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What if my partner doesn't want to come to counselling?

It is common for one partner to be reluctant or refusing to participate in couples counselling. However, counselling is still possible even if both partners don’t attend and participate.

In working on your own perceived issues and reactions in individual sessions, the changes you make can have a significant impact on the relationship. I have found that when one person in a relationship starts shifting the tone of interactions, the overall tone of the relationship shifts.

The growth that results from therapy can help you present your best self to your partner, which helps move the relationship forward.

The initial consultation

As the first session can be quite daunting for some, my first priority is to always endeavour to create a safe space for you and your partner to be completely who you are; supporting you from wherever you are in your couple journey.

The first session will be 90 minutes.

Identify main issues

During your initial appointment we will identify the main issues from each person.

Build rapport

Together we see if we can establish a rapport and identify whether I as a therapist, am the right fit for you as a couple.

Summary and next steps

We then finish off with a summary of the couple session and we, together, work out a plan for moving forward and subsequent sessions.

Session Pricing

50 Minutes


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80 minutes


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