couples counselling

Couples Counselling

A key factor in the enjoyment of our lives is based on the quality of our close relationships.

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At some stage in every couple’s journey they may start to experience relationship challenges.

Sometimes couples are able to resolve issues on their own, but there are other times when quite frankly, despite everything you have tried, you just can't seem to resolve your issues.

Achieving and maintaining relationship satisfaction and harmony requires constant work, commitment and compromise. Conflict and distance can be very difficult to deal with, and it is understandable that you are reaching out for support. Marriage counselling can be a great way to address these issues and improve your relationship.

In couples therapy, you will work to learn how to communicate more effectively, resolve conflict in a healthy way, and build a stronger connection with your partner. As your therapist I will provide you with tools and strategies that you can use to improve your relationship on your own. If you are considering couples therapy, I encourage you to reach out to Freedom couple counselling. We will be able to help you assess your needs and create a plan to meet those needs.

Couples counselling can assist you with:

- Managing issues with communication and conflict
- Navigating beginning and ending a relationship
- Manage wider family issues, including parenting styles
- Explore and enhance sexual intimacy
- Pre-marriage counselling  

Here are some of the benefits of couples therapy:

Improved Communication

We all want to feel supported and loved and we want our partner to feel the same way. But even with the best of intentions, many times we can struggle to communicate with each other in a way that leaves both partners feeling like they have been heard and understood. Our intentions can get lost in anger, frustration, sadness etc. Communication for couples can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. You can learn how to really hear your partner and help them really hear you by improving communication with couples counselling.

What can we do about it?

The key to improving communication with your spouse is to uncover each other’s emotional needs. Couples therapy can help you understand these needs and respond to them in a way that supports connection with each other. Once we learn how to talk about our needs in an authentic, direct way with our partner, communication becomes easier. Once we understand underlying emotional needs, it becomes much easier to tailor specific communication strategies that will work for both of your styles. This could include how to commence a conversation, how to talk about your own experience rather than criticizing the other, how to make the other feel understood.  This will assist, you to find ways to speak honestly and kindly to each other.

Communication is an opportunity to get closer to your partner. Once you master how to continuously improve communication with couples therapy, you can discuss even the most sensitive of topics while still feeling connected. This will strengthen your trust and commitment to each other.

Whatever your issues, it’s important to reach out for support.

Have any questions?

Feel free to give me a call or send me an email.

+61 411 035 052

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